I am what I am. I am a psychic. The gift first showed up when I was about five years old. We all have this gift to one degree or another. I have followers and clients all over the world. I am also an author, writer, spiritual teacher and speaker and a spiritual life coach. My purpose is to empower and enlighten those who seek knowledge.
To go within is something everyone should strive for.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Developing Your Psychic Powers
Developing your psychic powers
EVERY ONCE IN a while, you get the feeling that the phone is going to ring... and it does. Or you know who it is that is calling... and you are right. A song is playing in your head; you turn on the radio, and there it is... the same song. You are overwhelmed, somehow, with the feeling that a close friend or relative is in trouble or needs your help at that moment... and you soon learn that is actually the case.
Are these examples of mere coincidence? Or is there something more profound taking place? Are we, in fact, tapping in to what many researchers believe is a shared consciousness - or superconsciousness - that connects all people... perhaps all living things? These are no longer just "New Age" concepts, but are subjects of serious speculation and research by a growing number of mainstream scientists in the fields of quantum theory, psychology and other disciplines. The idea that extrasensory perception (ESP) and related psi abilities are quite real (if difficult to measure) phenomena is gaining respectability.
Those who research ESP suspect that most if not all people have this remarkable ability to varying degrees. The ability is often likened to that of musical talent. Some people are naturally gifted with the ability to play and compose music, and practice makes them virtuosos. Others must learn and work and practice to be able to play an instrument even adequately or in the simplest way. But nearly everyone can learn to play to some degree. The same may hold true for psychic abilities.
Here's what you need to know about developing your psychic abilities.
The first step is to acknowledge that ESP exists and that it is present within you to develop. Although this might sound silly or trite, begin by telling yourself that you are psychic. Make it a mantra that you repeat to yourself daily and often. This kind of self-talk has a scientific basis. It is now known that when a person learns something - whether it's a physical skill like wood carving or a mental exercise like memorizing poetry - through repetition, his or her brain physically changes - "rewires" itself, if you will - to accommodate that task. This process of rewiring your brain for psychic ability begins with your belief in it.
"It takes time for the subconscious to be able to communicate with the conscious mind, and the best way to do this is to simply start thinking about it," says Russel Steward in an article for Psychic Journal. "All these thoughts have a positive effect on developing your gift. Read about the subject. Knowledge will help, as you need some understanding of how things work. Adopt the policy you would take with a new hobby. Become involved in it, buy books and magazines, and look for more information on the Internet."
Like a difficult sport or musical instrument, ESP ability requires diligent practice. Unlike sports or music, however, your progress can be hard to measure because of the elusive nature of psychic phenomena (it's difficult to know how or when it's going to work). So the frustration level can be high, but the key to success is to not give up. (You should know going in, too, that there are no guarantees of success when it comes to trying to develop ESP; yet if you don't try, you're guaranteed not to get anywhere.)
"Set aside some time to practice. Calm the mind, play gentle, soothing music and try to relax. "Allow your thoughts to wander. Sometimes it helps to picture a summer scene, a field or meadow with the sun shining. It's all about getting used to information coming to you from a different source. The more you practice, the easier it becomes. Try pausing before you do something. For example, when the phone rings, pause a few seconds before answering. Can you tell who it is? Try it when someone knocks at your front door. Try it at work. Can you tell when someone is happy, sad or preoccupied?"
Such exercises require concentration, an ability you need to develop in and of itself. "You need to have an incredible amount of concentration…The type of concentration that calls for you to ignore the crowd at a football stadium in the middle of a touchdown, and be able to clearly recall a passage on a book, a face of a friend or a situation. Thoughts are flowing out there at an incredible rate. Every nanosecond there are thousands, or millions of thoughts flowing back and forth. Each individual is sending and receiving thoughts from outside of his mind. Imagine that all the radio stations are broadcast at the same time into one single frequency on your radio receiver and you will get an idea of what is going in your mind at any point in time. Now imagine that you are able to focus your tuner to receive just one radio broadcast."
Don't let frustration or failures make you stop. Be realistic. You can't expect to practice for a few days, then be able to predict when Uncle Louie is going to call or who's going to win the Super Bowl. Psychic abilities, even for those who have developed them to a high degree, can be unpredictable and erratic. The trick is to learn to recognize when your ESP is working... and that comes with experience.
Here are some practical ESP exercises from various sources:
•Scanning - "Two people - preferably two who haven't met before - stand about 4 - 6 feet apart from each other, facing each other, eyes closed. Each person then closes their eyes, takes a moment to breathe, relax and ground, then visualizes the other as a ball of light or pure energy. Each looks with their inner eyes into the ball of light and scans the person opposite top to bottom, bottom to top, noticing any words, images, colors, thoughts, sensations in their own body,... anything at all that comes up while they're scanning... After a few moment, when they each come back, they tell each other what they saw, felt, whatever, and describe how what the other experienced might fit in their lives at this time." - The Light Ball Exercise
•Predicting - "Write three predictions for the next day. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, be sure you're comfortable and feet are firmly planted on the floor. After a few deep breaths, project yourself into the next day. See yourself following through on your plans for tomorrow. Look around you. Notice any colors or sensations. Who is with you? What are they wearing? What are they doing? What are you doing? If nothing seems to come, then listen. Any words? Any song lines start running through your head? How does your body feel? Do you smell anything? What subtle changes do you notice? Is your mood changing? Note everything you sense. Write your 'predictions' based on the information you received." - Sensing and Interpreting
•Online Tests - Work with the many ESP tests that can be found on-line. Work in a quiet room without distractions. Try different tests and work with them repeatedly. Try them at different times of the day. Are you more successful at certain times of the day than others?
After your days, weeks and months of meditation, practice and experimentation, how will you know if your psychic powers are improving? By experience. Store the episodes in your memory. All those things you knew that came true, all the things you could tell other people about themselves, each and every episode fuels your proof."
Better yet, keep a journal of your experiences. Write down the results of your online tests and exercises. The physical act of writing it all on paper will help reinforce the conscious-unconscious connection.
But how do you know if your "hits" are still just coincidence? An increasing success rate will determine that. "At some point," continues Steward, "chance and coincidence are mathematically no longer a factor. You search your feelings, you begin to trust yourself. The mysteries of the universe lay before you, no longer mysterious, but like a giant unread book."
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Thank you for posting this. To be honest I have always known something was going on with me, my mom said she saw it at a young age. I would know when my great uncle would show up without our knowledge. But as I grew other things became important to me, so it went to the backburner, but I would have intense cases of "deja vu". The exact situation I would dream about would come true, even if I was not involved in and was a bystander. I still have this, the images in my dreams are clearer and clearer so when they happen I actually gasp because conversations are exact. When my grandfather died other things began to occur, I had dreams where he would talk to me and tell me things to pass on to people. He didn't know he was dead, the last time he came to me was when I had to tell him he was dead. He didn't come back to my dreams, but I do feel him around or I know when he is at my mothers. Suddenly when I opened myself up more, other entities I didn't know came to me, an old woman with a grey bun. She came twice and both times fire engulfed her from the bottom up. I thought at one time I saw a little girl in my home. I saw a few things. I could tune into people. My best friend who lived in Texas, who I met online, but never offline had an aunt who was in hospice and dying. I told her what the room looked like and described her grandfather and grandmother sitting at the end of her bed waiting for her aunt to pass. It was incredibly hard, but she wanted to hear it. At this point the people coming to me in my dreams were too much and I began reading Sylvia Browne and other people told me to construct a wall to keep them out because I wasn't sleeping anymore. Since then I really haven't been approached by anything in my dreams, just the vivid deja vu. I just wanted to know your thoughts that if I built a wall to thick and it would be hard now to try to get the gift to be more controlled and that way I don't need a wall. Thank you for sharing your story and your tips.