To go within is something everyone should strive for.

To go within is something everyone should strive for.
There is a spiritual plane of existence. It is real. We are eternal. Your loved ones still live just in a different form.

Monday, March 28, 2011

How to tell if you have a ghost

How To Tell If You Have A Ghost!
This is a bit longer article but it may help those who want to know!
Ever think to yourself, “Is my place haunted? Do I have a ghost?” Sure, it is important to know what a ghost and a haunting is, especially when one begins to wonder, “How do I know if I have a ghost or not?” First begin by ruling out all explainable phenomena. Is it truly paranormal, in other words extra ordinary? Can the strange activity be explained, if one takes a closer look at the evidence?
As human beings, our minds have a tendency to work over time, and thus create situations that are very believable, and seemingly paranormal, at times. Look for natural causes of any events, and be a little skeptical. This will keep one level-headed and calm while trying to conclude if a place is haunted or not. A rational, but open mind is the best tool in determining if source of a possible haunting is indeed ghostly.

What are ghosts and spirits?

The two words “ghosts” and “spirits” have been used inter-changeably for hundreds of years. Ghost is from the Anglo-Saxon gast, while spirit is from the Latin spiritus. As language evolved the word ghost came to being used in describing the appearing of a recognizable person appearing after their death; while a spirit came to be understood as the manifestation of an unknown person.
Ghost hunters on the other hand, will look at ghosts and spirits differently. In the ghost hunting community, ghosts would be disembodied people who are “stuck” in this physical world, typically due to trauma or unfinished business here on earth. They have not moved on into the light after the death of their physical body, and are still attached to people, things or events that occurred in the past. The key word with this is past, as the past seems to hold them here, instead of looking to the
future which would cause them to move beyond their prior physical life. For whatever reason, they cannot let go of the earthly realm, and either need direction or are looking for assistance in delivering a message or fixing a situation. This ghostly activity is known as an intelligent haunting.

Furthermore, it should be mentioned that some ghosts are non-intelligent, they are only residual energy of a prior event and not interactive. A ghostly action, such as walking down a hall will occur over and over, whether someone is present or not. This type of ghost manifestation known as an unintelligent haunting will not interact with the physical world. In contrast, a spirit, to most ghost hunters, represents someone who has moved beyond death, into the light, having had
their life review and now understands they are spirit. Issues of their former physical existence have been worked through or are being worked through, and peace, love and joy are being experienced. Often, all of us are watched over by spirits on the other side, who want to comfort us, guide us and observe our lives. These spirits typically are loved ones, family, and friends – some are known as spirit guides and angels.

How to tell if you have a ghost.

The following are some descriptions of ghostly activity, and thus are common phenomena. It is important to not be afraid and understand that a ghost is a person who is most likely wanting to be recognized for assistance. The following phenomena are not all-inclusive:

1) Cold spots. The manifestation of a ghost requires energy, and thus the area could be cold from the ghost using the energy of a specific location.
2) Electrical disturbances, such as flickering lights and radios turning off and on.
3) Movement of physical objects, such as doors.
4) Items missing or moved.
5) Water turning off and on.
6) Goosebumps, chills, the feeling that you are being watched, or touched.
7) Sounds, such as foot steps, music, voices, whispers, rapping, banging, something being dropped etc.
8) Balls or orbs of light that appear and float around.
9) Shadows moving about a room or in the corner of one’s eye.
10) Odd behavior from a pet. Animals are very in tune with spirits around them.
11) Unexplained or known fragrances of the deceased.
12) Levitating objects.
13) Mists, or vapors that appear.
14) Hearing voices, talking or whispering

What does a ghost look like?

Ghosts can and do manifest physically in various forms. It is not understood why the forms vary, but perhaps it is due to the condition of the soul of the entity. Ghosts appear as:

1) Orbs - These balls of light can float or move at rapid speed. Some believe these to be the first or most basic manifestation of a ghost…perhaps the soul of a person.
2) Mists, Vapors, Ectoplasm - This form appears as smoke or fog, and is believed to be the manifestation of spirit.
3) Shadow People - Known as “dark shadows” or “black ectoplasm,” these ghosts will often be seen moving about. It is possible that the darkness represents a condition of the soul not yet understood, such as immaturity, lack of understanding or knowledge.
4) Apparition - This is the full-bodied, non-vaporous appearance of a disembodied person’s spirit, and is very rare. Typically described as “see-through.”

Ghosts can manifest anywhere. They may appear more at night, because they most likely cannot manifest around a lot of people. It is surmised that the energy it takes to manifest in the physical realm, may be depleted when a ghost is around a crowd of people. Although ghosts may appear during day or night, the night could provide a time when less people are active, and may afford a time when all types of ghosts could appear more readily. Others believe that intelligent ghosts only
manifest around people, either through use of their energy, or to communicate with this world. A ghost is a subtle energy in most cases, but can vary in intensity.

What to do with a ghost?

If one has a ghost, then the obvious question is, “What do I do with the ghost?” Maybe a better question should be, “How can I help a ghost?” Finding common ground and comfort in the fact that a ghost is only a disembodied human being, seek to speak with the ghost. Most ghosts are lost and looking for simple direction. Follow your instincts and try and understand if there is any left over, unfinished business that may help the ghost move on. Ask the ghost person openly, how can I help? Be not afraid to tell the ghost that you know they are there, that you recognize this and
that they should understand that their physical body has died. Let them know this. Tell the ghost, that there is nothing to fear, and that they should move towards and into the light, where peace, love, joy, friends and loved ones await. Often times, a ghost doesn’t understand that they have passed on. Sometimes a simple conversation will free the troubled soul, and bring peace to the situation.
Ghosts often will take simple instruction, such as, “Stop banging the pans at night.” Many times the ghost just wants someone to know that they are there, but if a ghost is troublesome, remember you are in control. If a ghost will not head to the light, then demand the troubled spirit leave.
This is your place, and you don’t have to accept visitors.

Some ghosts are just looking to be recognized, until someone hears their story. Other ghosts are in dire need to deliver a message to a loved one. It is not uncommon for relatives of the deceased to receive a phone call from the other side of the grave, with a parting, “I love you.” The voice is typically immediately recognized by the loved one, and the message is usually short but clear.
When phone records are checked, in most cases there is simply no record of the call at all. These are known as, “phantom phone calls.” Ghosts, though disembodied, are not without means.
An intelligent ghost will get your attention if need be, whether through sounds, sight, smell or even touch.

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